
Showing posts from February, 2022

What is Ransomware | 5 Best Anti-Ransomware Protection 2021

  You might always surround by words called a virus, spyware, ransomware, and so on. We’ve discussed viruses and spyware in our previous articles. If you want to check out; visit . In this article, we will learn about ransomware queries like what is ransomware and related queries.  Read the complete article for the correct knowledge of ransomware. What is Ransomware? Ransomware is a type of malware that restricts user’s access to their system, either by locking the system’s screen or by encrypting the users’ files until a ransom is paid.  Modern ransomware families, collectively known as crypto-ransomware, encrypt specific file types on infected systems and force users to pay the ransom via specific online payment methods in order to obtain a decryption key. History of Ransomware Available data on the web says that cases of ransomware infection were first seen in Russia between 2005 and 2006.  On the basis of the report of Trend Micro on case 2006, it is discovered that th

How to Change Lock Screen Password | Waredot

  How to Change Lock Screen Password This article explains to you   how to change lock screen passwords on Windows , Mac, Android, and iPhone.  Follow the steps and change your screen password easily on your device. Before you go-ahead Know more about Waredot, before you go ahead. This  Waredot antivirus  software protects both your online activity and system. Its anti-malware features booth security of your computer.  Table of Content How to Change Mac Lock Screen Password   How to Change Windows Lock Screen Password   How to Change Android Phone Lock Screen Password  How to Change iPhone Lock Screen Password How to Change Mac Lock Screen Password  Locking the device's screen means you’re locking a way to get into your pc and it is the easiest way to protect your data and prevent unwanted users from snooping around. Learn  how to change lock screen password on Mac . 1. Open your Mac and choose Apple Menu>System Preferences, and then click Users & Groups. Note : Remember to

How to boot into recovery mode windows 10 - Waredot

  How to boot into recovery mode windows 10 Follow the steps below to know how to boot into recovery mode windows 10: Hold the shift key & restart the computer Click on start and then on power button to display all the option. Click on start and then on power button to display all the option. Press on the shift key and click on restart simultaneously. Windows will start automatically in advance boot option. **This trick of booting by holding the shift key does not work for the keyboards that are virtual** In case if your keyboard isn’t working or this method above isn’t working then follow this step below: Go to settings<start menu<update & security 2. Look for advanced startup and click on restart now. 3. Click on the option of recovery 4. The computer will restart.

How Secure is My Password | My Password \ waredot

  Do you ever focus the password you’re using for your accounts or emails is secure enough? Or did you ever try to find how secure is my password? I know you didn’t, but you must do it. It’s crucial to know the strength of your password because you can’t just yourself how secure is your password. You need a tool or website so that you can check the password strength. But, with this, it’s also important to create the right password that leads the judgment of a secure and strong password.  Here’s Waredot tells you few tips to check the strength of your password.  And if you haven’t created a password but you need to, then in the last section you can find few ways to create a secure & strong password. How Secure is My Password? Before you use any password strength checker, you should understand a critical aspect of identity and access management password best practices.  Keep practicing few activities to be sure that your password is secure. If you don’t know what those activities are

How to Reset Apple ID Password | Change Apple ID | Waredot

  How to reset apple id password Your Apple ID makes you able to use multiple Apple services like the App Store, Apple Music, iCloud, iMessage, FaceTime, and more. So this is important for you to keep your Apple Id password secure and strong as well.  If you think that your Apple ID password is in danger, its’ good to either change it or reset it. Whether you change, reset or create a new apple id password, make sure the Apple ID password must contain at least eight characters, a number, an uppercase letter, and lowercase letters. How to Reset Apple ID Password on Web If you’re trying to reset the Apple Id password, but don’t know how to reset Apple Id password, make sure you follow the right steps.  You can reset Apple id password using Apple’s website. 1. Click  Reset Apple ID Password  and enter your apple ID username and then click Continue.   2. Once you’re in, you can find two ways to  reset your password ; using the recovery email address you have on file in your account or answ